Score reports for all tests (including Speaking or Writing Test) will be mailed 20 working days after the test date.
拜仁,我嚟喇 法蘭克福,我嚟喇! 柏林,我嚟喇 呂貝克,我嚟喇 電遊 遊托邦:遊戲廚房 遊戲地圖:關於並不遙遠世界的考古學 社會生活 歌德地球日 哲學關你事 圖書館 圖書館 圖書館 我們的圖書館開放給公眾,你可以來看書、聽音樂、看電影、學習新事物以及認識其他朋友。
* Please register at least 15 days prior to the exam using this form. While you can do the prep course online, the exam itself requires personal attendance.
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Duration: depending on your current level. If you are already on examination level, 10 teaching units may suffice to familiarize you with the testing format. If more info you still need to improve your level, you may need more (check how long does it take to reach the testing level).
*) 只有在您於此前六個月內參加並完成了歌德學院德語課程的情況下,才能享受所顯示的優惠價格。六個月內是指在課程的結課日和德語考試日期之間不超過六個月。如滿足此條件,那麼在報名考試的過程中,價格將自動調整。如價格未自動調整,請盡快與您的課程辦公室聯絡。
報名專區 會員中心 報名須知 報名流程 考前確認 開始報名 下載專區 考試通知/繳費單查詢列印 考區資訊 備考資源 學習指引 模擬試題購買 考生分享 好站介紹 友善連結 成績與證書 成績查詢/複查 成績證書申請 證書繳費/複查繳費 常見問題
In our exam preparation courses, language learners work with experienced teachers to prepare specifically for a telc examination. Rein addition, the comprehensive telc training programme offers teachers the opportunity to continue their education and constantly improve their language teaching.